Fat Burning and Muscle Building Tips

Want a 300% gain in STRENGTH? Do this!

Looking to lose fat and build muscle?

Looking to get bigger and stronger....

Looking to add some serious muscle mass...

It's essential that you make efforts to maximize your production of GROWTH HORMONE (GH). GH is released from your pituitary gland, and its production peaks around puberty. From there it slowly FADES AWAY as we age. This is one of the reasons we get all "saggy" as we get older. That is why you hear of Hollywood stars turing to their Dr. looking to get an injection if the powerful hormone.


But they're about to learn a SAD, SAD FACT...


Artificial GH supplementation DOES increase lean muscle, melt away the fat, and make you look and feel younger there are some adverse affects. Joint and muscle pain can eventually occur from artificial stimulation. Even worse is that you are on it for life, once you stop taking it all the benefits disappear.

If done correctly!
- research has shown that NATURALLY stimulating growth hormone can pay off with
big dividends and in a short time period.

university study from Denmark:
- 9-week program
- strength gains 300% over normal
- men increased arm strength by 37%
- 9% for control group
- these GH increases were activated NOT by injected hormone, but by completely NATURAL means!

Jeff Anderson's program "Optimum Anabolics" helps you naturally raise GH helping you get bigger and stronger in the gym.

Click To See Optimum Anabolics

Jeff has uncovered a series of studies (dating back
to 1975!) that reveal how to SAFELY increase anabolic
hormone activity within your body using his

..."natural hormone triggering"!


Here's just ONE of the methods from his book...


Research project from Loughborough University that put a group of athletes through a
short series of 30-second sprints after their workouts.

What they discovered:
- growth hormone levels jumped 25 TIMES THEIR RESTING LEVELS approximately 30 minutes after training!

With this kind of FLOOD of powerful GH you can expect to grow bigger and stronger as you go through your gym workouts.

If you want to see your GH levels raise, get lean, build muscle mass I suggest you do thins after your next workout:
- six 30-second sprints

Jeff's incorporated this into the Optimum Anabolics program as a compliment to his unique WEIGHT TRAINING system at:

You see, Optimum Anabolics uses a unique 7 cycle weight training program in which you manipulate what he calls...


...the "8 Anabolic Factors"!


Through his targeted approach, you'll literally PROGRAM your body (like a computer!) to NATURALLY jack up your body's muscle-building hormones.

  • You'll GAIN MUSCLE
  • You'll BLAST away stomach FAT
  • You'll have increased INTENSITY in the gym
  • You'll be a "walking anabolic hormone factory"

Go get all the details at the Optimum Anabolics website

Once you see the "before & after" photos of guys just like YOU who have benefited from this revolutionary discovery, you're going to want to start training TOMORROW with these techniques!

I promise! ;-)